Invaluable Financial lessons to be learnt from Finveterans on this Guru purnima day!
A day to remember and commemorate Gurus. The Word ‘Guru’ means the ‘dispeller of darkness,’ emphasising their role in dispelling ignorance and revealing the road to enlightenment and ‘Purnima’ refers to the full moon night on which it occurs.
According to the tradition of Guru Purnima, a teacher is elevated to a level where they can transcend their students into a higher realm and eradicate ignorance from their lives. As a result, it is also a celebration of the wisdom and information that teachers possess and share. It also promotes knowledge exchange as the sole means of achieving transcendence.
Guru Purnima is a sacred tradition derived from several stories found in various spiritual teachings.
One belief is that Lord Shiva imparted his wisdom to people, making him the first teacher.
Another story talks of the one who wrote Mahabharata Veda Vyasa’s birth, who on Guru Purnima shared the Vedic teachings with his four students.
On this day, according to Buddhist legend, Buddha delivered his first sermon to his followers in Sarnath. Similarly, Jains commemorate Guru Purnima as the day Mahavira, a revered figure, attracted his first follower.
In Jainism Guru purnima is a day to honour Lord Mahavira.
On this day, we would like to share some of the very interesting financial lessons that are preached by our great Finveterans. A Guru is not someone who holds a torch for you. He is the torch,as Sadhguru says.We are sure that these would enlighten the spirits of our investors. These Finveterans are the real life gurus to many billionaires across the globe and their preachings have enriched their knowledge and sowed seeds to the globe towards wealth creation.
Guru Purnima is the perfect day to express gratitude to gurus or mentors. After all, their blessings usher in the light of knowledge and drive out the darkness of ignorance.Let’s learn some of the expensive financial lessons imparted by such Finveterans:
1.Rakesh Jhunjhunwala: The veteran Investor who nurtured many businesses is being quoted and remembered in the Indian stock markets. After finishing his CA in 1985 he started investing with Rs.5000 in stock markets and that was his first.
His valuable quote is , "Mistakes are your learning companions; the idea is to not repeat these mistakes”. Very well said.We all learn through our mistakes only.Learning or earning-both are quite indispensible.
2.Radhakishan Damani: Rakesh Jhunjhunwala has always admired and named Radhakrishna Damani as his guru in financial world.Today almost all know the value of DMart and he suggests all to Invest in reputable businesses for the long term and further prior to making an investment, consider the company's future possibilities, and only do so if you believe that the product has great promise for the future.
His valuable quote is, "Trading will help you to obtain the Capital and investment will help you to grow it.” It’s clear that for long term growth and wealth creation, one should sacrifice today’s needs and trading in stocks is short term lived.
3.Vijay kedia: Vijay Kedia who is yet another successful investor and guide to many, who always feels that Cash is the king and in hand is always important. Liquidity is the capacity to fulfil commitments when they become due without suffering unacceptable losses. Without getting emotionally attached to a company’s stock he suggests to always persevere with a venture that has the potential to succeed and increase your financial fortune. Further he wants us to avoid getting attached to your investment and be quite realistic.
His valuable quote is,”Investing is a business, investment is a project and investor is a promoter.” Even if you buy one share of a company ,still you are a part owner of the company and so investor is a promoter to the business. So every investor should realise its business and ensure to stay invested for longer term for better prospectus in business.
4.Ramesh Damani : He used to called as Nawab of Dalal street.He is an investment guru and one of India's top stock market investors. He advises against investing for short-term gain since he himself is a long-term investor. Before investing in a stock ,he advises you to think of the exit strategy before investing in any stock. Further have a solid plan in place to make profits.
His valuable quote is,” You always regress to the mean. Theoretically, the bull market is still intact. And there are bargains in the mid- and small cap end of the market.” He feels that there is always enough money to be made in the mid and small cap space.
5. Raamdeo Agrawal: After building the Empire Motilal Oswal, he advises investors to conduct thorough research on the stock before investing and advises not to decide simply based on the market trends.
His valuable quote is,” "It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.” .Just investors should follow the solid basic principles in stock market for its success.
6.Bill Gates : In 1990 Bill gates, the one who built Microsoft met Warren buffet, the Emperor of Berkshire Hathaway Inc and post that many lessons that he learnt through his discussion with Warren Buffet. Here below sharing some of his lessons :
“You have to be around people smarter than you”
“Great investors ignore the noise”
“You need to find mentors, friends and accountable partners you can rely on for guidance. Every stage in your life, you may have to embrace new challenges, so you need to ensure that you have personal advisors who will help you when you’re stuck”
7. Warren Buffett : Warren Buffet is the Financial Guru to the investors across the globe. He has been magnanimous in sharing his financial lessons for enlightening the spirits of all investors. Here below, some of such lessons are being shared:
Invest in simple stories.
Herd mentality is your ticket to investing failure. Don’t follow the herd; you will never make money.
Once you buy a stock, don't worry even if the market shuts for 5 years.
Time in the market is more important than timing the market.
Buy stocks like you are at an attic sale.
Read, read and read extensively for new investment ideas.
Always take a very long term approach to investing in equities.
The earlier you start off on equities, the better.
Let’s learn in a nutshell on the Do's and Don'ts in the financial markets, on this Guru Purnima day:
1.Express Gratitude to your teachers and mentors on this day.
2.Engage actively in learning.
3.Also start adopting the lessons that are learnt.
1.Avoid Negative Thoughts.
2.Stop reacting to headlines in newspapers and reacting.
3.Don’t procratinate. You work for money and ensure that your money also works for you and that’s the reciprocation.
Let’s also learn the tips for better Wealth creation:
1. Create your passive income. If you don’t know meet us to know how.
2. Have a dedicated bank account for investments.
3. Ensure nomination registration in all your investments.
4. When you feel that you have earned something which is too worthy, then write a will.
5. Invest in stock markets without emotions and for your long term dreams.
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